You might wonder why I blabber about cats, and think that I am somewhat crazy to be comparing my lovely child with furry felines. All this comes form reading a book called Alla ricerca delle coccole perdute or a la Recherche Des Calins Perdus
Sadly, kids don't come with an instruction manual Everything else that anyone can handle with a little dose of common sense comes with a package of directions ranging from "press the ON button" to "put the batteries as indicated with the + on the + side..." and that, in several languages. But kids? One of the most complicated toy on the market, no, they don't come ornate by directions to follow and trouble shooters.
So what is a mother to do? Kids are small people, which means that they are small but they have the same panel of introcate problems as adults have, but no tools to actually help them solve any of them.
It is a tragedy for parents. Sitting there, watching your kid head for the wall, and wondering with every passing second if you should say something, do something, or just let them figure it out by themselves. Because truth is, when I was that age, not only did my parents have no clue, but they also were not there to watch, they were working, busy with adults' stuff and probably did not really care about what happened to us youngsters.
Try and explain this to kids nowadays! They just don't get it. Now, we are all over them, we are all about psychology, and weighing the consequences of our actions and words on our descendants' future. Don't get me wrong, I am happy times are different.
So, while I wonder what I should do,I look at my cats because of the good lessons in Mr.
Giacobbe's book. I have two cats. The male is nearly five years old, so technically an adult. He comes and goes as he pleases and when he does not get his way, he bites the back of my legs... as I said, pretty much a man.

So, I can compare. My pre-teen at home is all lovely and attentive. But when he's had enough, he nods, and looks away, as if to say "enough! I got it!". When he needs love, he comes and complaints that I am working too much, not paying attention... somehow similar to cats, don't you think?